Could Jesus Be Coming Soon?
the return of the king
the return of the king
Could Jesus Be Coming Soon?
Church & Culture
Do you know your culture?
worship & prayer Night
Join us as we worship the King of kings!
In this teaching series, Pastor Jason & Pastor Edgar bring Scripture to life as we talk about what it means to be a fully comitted follower of Jesus Christ!
A New Beginning
We hope you enjoy this Easter message from Pastor Jason about how we ALL can have a new beginning because God's mercies are new every morning!
The amazing thing about grace
If you're tired of trying to do life and get everything "right" in your own strength, join us as we learn how to rest in the finished work of God's grace in our lives. It will literally change the way you live!
Pastor Edgar Ogarrio
Be blessed by this message from Pastor Edgar about dealing with anxiety in your life.
CHoosing to see
Our new teaching series, "Choosing to SEE," is all about we look at life and how it affects the way we live. All too often, we choose not to see things from God's perspective to our detriment. What if we chose to look at our every day lives through a spiritual lens, trusting that God was working all things together for good? If you want to SEE like God sees, join us as we begin the journey together!
New Inside - New Outside
Special Guest, Pastor Mike Campbell
family sunday
Pastor Jen, along with teens Amado and Dakota, give a great Family Sunday message called "Backpack."
The miracle of the manger
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Special Guests
Special Guest Speakers at MBCC!
Emotionally healthy spirituality
Our emotional maturity and our spiritual maturity are inseparably linked. We can't have one without the other. Join us on this journey as we bring our mind, will and emotion into submission to the will of God, releasing the power of the Holy Spirit in our live so that we can become everything God intended for us to be.
Crossing Over
Pastor Jason talks about the importance of learning from our wilderness seasons so we can "cross over" into all that God has planned for us!
Missions Emphasis 2019!
This year we are privileged to have the ministry of Henry and Ivonne Smith, missionaries to Ecuador, and Mark and Sarah Brown, missionaries to the Philippines, in our services. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
What does a healthy, thriving church look like? Join us on this journey into Acts 2 to see what were the key components for the 1st church, and how we might return to those values today - both in our church and in our personal lives!
Special Guests - Summer 2019
Enjoy these messages from special guests Shawn Fortney, Jim Uhey and David Swift!
The Bible Doesn't Say That!
In this teaching series, Pastor Jason dives into 6 commonly said phrases that aren't really in the Bible - at least not in the way we think. Join us for an insightful journey that will help adjust your expectations and reaffirm your faith in the faithfulness and goodness of God!
Our summer series is a collection of topics that came straight from questions that were submitted by members of our congregation! We hope you enjoy it because "You asked for it!"
The Real God
What comes to mind when you think about God? A strict disciplinarian? A perfectionist you always must work hard to please? How do you think God thinks about you? Disappointed? Frustrated? Wishing you would get things right?
We're taking deep look at who God really is and how we can really know Him. Why? Because how we view God - not just what we think in our heads but how we live out every day what’s in our
hearts - affects every aspect of our lives.
Missions Emphasis 2018
Superintendent Bret Allen concluded our 2018 Missions Emphasis with a wonderful message about the benefits of sacrifice.
Life is a team sport
Connect Groups Launch - Fall 2018! Pastor Jason talks about why EVERYONE should get involved in a Connect Group at MBCC!
What would happen, as Christians, if we stopped talking negatively about each other and instead chose to honor each other? What if we gave our criticisms to God privately but praised each other publicly? What testimony would the world see in the way we live? If we desire God’s blessings then we have to learn to consistently live what His word teaches. In fact, we’re told that we should “out do” each other in honor! It’s supposed to be a healthy competition to see who can genuinely encourage and support each other the most!
Moving forward
Pastor David Swift - Sunday, June 3, 2018
Church Family meeting
On Sunday night, June 3, 2018, we held our Church Family Meeting (on the two year anniversary of Susan and I being elected as your pastors.) It was a great evening and the Spirit of God was evident from the moment Pastor Stephanie started leading us in worship.
Several of you have asked about the audio recording from that meeting because you were unable to attend. If you'd like to listen you can just click the link below!
We have a great church, and together we're moving forward! Thanks for being part of our family.
We've all asked "What If?" questions. What if THIS happens? What if THAT takes place? God knows our questions, and He already has the answers! Join us as we ask some life-changing questions that will change how you think.
The Gifts of the Spirit
In this series, Pastor Jason dives deeply into the topic of the Gifts of the Spirit, what they are, why we need them, and how God intends for them to operate today.
#marked by love
The gospel-centered life
Discovering God's Plan for Everyday Living
special guests
Please enjoy these sermons from our special guests at Monterey Bay Christian Center!
living generously
The Story
An in depth, 31-week study of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Join us in studying God's word and understanding the Bible in a whole new perspective.
Fighting spiritual battles
Hearing God
In this series we learn how to minimize the distractions in our lives so we can hear God clearly, and then act in faith on what we have heard.
The Good Life
What is "The Good Life?" Is your life where you want it? Is it what you expected? Are you content with your life? Pastor Jason teaches us what it takes to live "The Good Life."
What Does God Really Want?
In this series based on Micah 6:8, Pastor Jason explains the importance of understanding what God wants from us as we live out our lives here on earth - to do right, to love mercy and to walk humbly.
Are we there yet?
In this first teaching series from Pastor Jason, we talk about the 5 key elements to achieving God's best for our church. We're not there yet but we're on our way!
Other Messages
Enjoy these messages from Monterey Bay Christian Center!
What do you want me to do for you?
Special Guest Marc Afshar, Chi Alpha - University of the Pacific
Praying in a Circle
If you've every struggled with praying until you see breakthrough, this is the series for you. Join us as we learn what the Bible has to say about how our prayer releases the power of God to make changes in our lives.
In this first message of 2019, Pastor Jason challenges listeners to consult the Holy Spirit before making plans for 2019.
A Christmas Dilemma
We’ve all heard it said: “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” One of the most amazing things to me about the story of Christmas is how timeless it truly is for everyone. The challenges for the characters of Christmas are the same challenges we face today.
Joseph dealt with doubt. Mary had to make a hard choice. The shepherds experienced deep fear and then overwhelming joy. The inn keeper (we assume) struggled with belief. The Magi were presented with an opportunity for obedience and worship.
Wherever you are, whatever you’re facing, there is wisdom in the pages of Scripture that comes directly from the lives of those who have gone before us. What is also true, both then and now, is that the Holy Spirit is with us - leading us and guiding us - if we’ll just take the time to listen and learn.
Join us this November as we reflect on the goodness of God in our lives!
Strengthen what remains
In this series from Revelation 3, we are being challenged to move past the past, pressing forward into what God has in our future. We can either keep looking in the rear view mirror, or we can press on - believing that our best days are ahead of us!
Survive or thrive?
We, as followers of Christ, are living far below how God intends for us to live. We're not talking about the kind of “blessing” you might hear about on TV. While it’s true that God does choose, in His wisdom and at His discretion, to bless some people with wealth in abundance, the reality is that most of us find ourselves living far below that line – trusting Him for our daily provision.
Consequently, if we’re not careful, we can easily fall into “survival” mode. It’s when we’re struggling just to get through the day instead of embracing the incredible joy the Holy Spirit has available to release in us every morning. Since the Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength, how come we so often find ourselves feeling extremely weary?
We weren’t meant to just barely survive. We were meant to thrive!